1 Introduction

1.1 Acknowledgement

Acknowledgement: This chapter is largely based on chapter 3 of “Introduction to Econometrics with R”. https://www.econometrics-with-r.org/index.html

1.2 Introduction

The goal of this chapter is

  1. Review of Estimation
    • Properties of Estimators: Unbiasedness, Consistency
    • Law of large numbers
  2. Review of Central Limit Theorem
    • Important tool for hypothesis testing (to be covered later)

2 Statistical Estimation

2.1 Estimation

  • Estimator: A mapping from the sample data drawn from an unknown population to a certain feature in the population
    • Example: Consider hourly earnings of college graduates \(Y\) .
  • You want to estimate the mean of \(Y\), defined as \(E[Y] = \mu_y\)
    • Draw a random sample of \(n\) i.i.d. (identically and independently distributed) observations \({ Y_1, Y_2, \ldots, Y_N }\)
  • How to estimate \(E[Y]\) from the data?

  • Idea 1: Sample mean \[ \bar{Y} = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n Y_i, \]
  • Idea 2: Pick the first observation of the sample.
  • Question: How can we say which is better?

2.2 Properties of the estimator

Consider the estimator \(\hat{\mu}_N\) for the unknown parameter \(\mu\).

  1. Unbiasdeness: The expectation of the estimator is the same as the true parameter in the population. \[ E[\hat{\mu}_N] = \mu \]

  2. Consistency: The estimator converges to the true parameter in probability. \[ \forall \epsilon >0, \lim_{N \rightarrow \infty} \ Prob(|\hat{\mu}_{N}-\mu|<\epsilon)=1 \]

    • Intuition: As the sample size gets larger, the estimator and the true parameter is close with probability one.
    • Note: a bit different from the usual convergence of the sequence.

2.3 Sample mean \(\bar{Y}\) is unbiased and consistent

  • Showing these two properties using mathmaetics is straightforward:
    • Unbiasedness: Take expectation.
    • Consistency: Law of large numbers.
  • Let’s examine these two properties using R programming!

2.4 Step 0: Preparing packages

# Use the following packages

# If not yet, please install by install.packages("").

2.5 Step 1: Prepare a population

# Use "readr" package
pums2000 <- read_csv("data_pums_2000.csv") 
## Parsed with column specification:
## cols(
##   AGE = col_double(),
##   INCTOT = col_double()
## )
  • We treat this dataset as population.
pop <- as.vector(pums2000$INCTOT)

  • Population mean and standard deviation
pop_mean = mean(pop)
pop_sd   = sd(pop)

# Average income in population
## [1] 30165.47
# Standard deviation of income in population
## [1] 38306.17

  • income distribution in population (Unit in USD)
fig <- ggplot2::qplot(pop, geom = "density", 
      xlab = "Income",
      ylab = "Density")


  • The distribution has a long tail.
  • Let’s plot the distribution in log scale
# `log` option specifies which axis is represented in log scale.
fig2 <- qplot(pop, geom = "density", 
      xlab = "Income",
      ylab = "Density",
      log = "x")


  • Let’s investigate how close the sample mean constucted from the random sample is to the true population mean.
  • Step 1: Draw random samples from this population and calculate \(\bar{Y}\) for each sample.
    • Set the sample size \(N\).
  • Step 2: Repeat 2000 times. You now have 2000 sample means.
# Set the seed for the random number. 
# This is needed to maintaine the reproducibility of the results.

# draw random sample of 100 observations from the variable pop
test <- sample(x = pop, size = 100)

# Use loop to repeat 2000 times. 
Nsamples = 2000
result1 <- numeric(Nsamples)

for (i in 1:Nsamples ){
  test <- sample(x = pop, size = 100)
  result1[i] <- mean(test)

# Anotther way to do this.
result1 <- replicate(expr = mean(sample(x = pop, size = 10)), n = Nsamples)
result2 <- replicate(expr = mean(sample(x = pop, size = 100)), 
                     n = Nsamples)
result3 <- replicate(expr = mean(sample(x = pop, size = 500)), 
                     n = Nsamples)

# Create dataframe
result_data <- data.frame(  Ybar10 = result1, 
                            Ybar100 = result2, 
                            Ybar500 = result3)

  • Step 3: See the distribution of those 2000 sample means.
# Use "melt" to change the format of result_data
data_for_plot <- melt(data = result_data, variable.name = "Variable" )
## Using  as id variables
# Use "ggplot2" to create the figure.
# The variable `fig` contains the information about the figure
fig <- 
  ggplot(data = data_for_plot) +
  xlab("Sample mean") + 
  geom_line(aes(x = value, colour = variable ),   stat = "density" ) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept=pop_mean ,colour="black")


  • Observation 1: Regardless of the sample size, the average of the sample means is close to the population mean. Unbiasdeness
  • Observation 2: As the sample size gets larger, the distribution is concentrated around the population mean. Consistency (law of large numbers)

3 Central Limit Theorem

3.1 Central limit theorem

  • Cental limit theorem: Consider the i.i.d. sample of \(Y_1,\cdots, Y_N\) drawn from the random variable \(Y\) with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2\). The following \(Z\) converges in distribution to the normal distribution. \[ Z = \frac{1}{\sqrt{N}} \sum_{i=1}^N \frac{Y_i - \mu}{\sigma } \overset{d}{\rightarrow}N(0,1) \] In other words, \[ \lim_{N\rightarrow\infty}P\left(Z \leq z\right)=\Phi(z) \]

3.2 What does CLT mean?

  • The central limit theorem implies that if \(N\) is large enough, we can approximate the distribution of \(\bar{Y}\) by the standard normal distribution with mean \(\mu\) and variance \(\sigma^2 / N\) regardless of the underlying distribution of \(Y\).
  • This property is called asymptotic normality.
  • Let’s examine this property through simulation!!

3.3 Numerical Simulation

  • Use the same example as before. Remember that the underlying income distribution is clearly NOT normal.
    • Population mean \(\mu = 30165.4673315\)
    • standard deviation \(\sigma = 38306.1712336\).

# define function for simulation 
f_simu_CLT = function(Nsamples, samplesize, pop, pop_mean, pop_sd ){
  output = numeric(Nsamples)
  for (i in 1:Nsamples ){
    test <- sample(x = pop, size = samplesize)
    output[i] <- ( mean(test) - pop_mean ) / (pop_sd / sqrt(samplesize))


# Set the seed for the random number

# Run simulation 
Nsamples = 2000
result_CLT1 <- f_simu_CLT(Nsamples, 10, pop, pop_mean, pop_sd )
result_CLT2 <- f_simu_CLT(Nsamples, 100, pop, pop_mean, pop_sd )
result_CLT3 <- f_simu_CLT(Nsamples, 1000, pop, pop_mean, pop_sd )

# Random draw from standard normal distribution as comparison
result_stdnorm = rnorm(Nsamples)

# Create dataframe
result_CLT_data <- data.frame(  Ybar_standardized_10 = result_CLT1, 
                            Ybar_standardized_100 = result_CLT2, 
                            Ybar_standardized_1000 = result_CLT3, 
                            Standard_Normal = result_stdnorm)

  • Now take a look at the distribution.
# Use "melt" to change the format of result_data
data_for_plot <- melt(data = result_CLT_data, variable.name = "Variable" )
## Using  as id variables
# Use "ggplot2" to create the figure.
fig <- 
  ggplot(data = data_for_plot) +
  xlab("Sample mean") + 
  geom_line(aes(x = value, colour = variable ),   stat = "density" ) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept=0 ,colour="black")


  • As \(N\) grows, the distribution is getting closer to the standard normal distribution.