Dependent and explanatory variable are determined simultaneously.
Consider the demand and supply curve \[ \begin{aligned} q^{d} =\beta_{0}^{d}+\beta_{1}^{d}p+\beta_{2}^{d}x+u^{d} \\ q^{s} =\beta_{0}^{s}+\beta_{1}^{s}p+\beta_{2}^{s}z+u^{s} \end{aligned} \]
The equilibrium price and quantity are determined by \(q^{d}=q^{s}\).
In this case, \[ p=\frac{(\beta_{2}^{s}z-\beta_{2}^{d}z)+(\beta_{0}^{s}-\beta_{0}^{d})+(u^{s}-u^{d})}{\beta_{1}^{d}-\beta_{1}^{s}} \] implying the correlation between the price and the error term.
Putting this differently, the data points we observed is the intersection of these supply and demand curves.