1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

  • Program Evaluation, or Causal Inference
    • Estimation of “treatment effect” of some intervention (typically binary)
    • Example:
      • effects of job training on wage
      • effects of advertisement on purchase behavior
      • effects of distributing mosquito net on children’s school attendance
  • Difficulty: treatment is endogenous decision
    • selection bias, omitted variable bias.
    • especially in observational data (in comparison with experimental data)

1.2 Overview

  • Introduce Rubin’s causal model (potential outcome framework)
    • Generalization of the linear regression model: Nonparametric
  • Solutions to the selection bias
    1. Randomized control trial
    2. Matching
    3. Instrumental Variable Estimation
    4. Difference-in-differences
    5. Regression Discontinuity Design
    6. Instrumental Variable
    • Note: IV estimation in program evaluation framework involves with the argument of local average treatment effect (LATE), which is beyond the scope of this course.

1.3 Reference

  • Angrist and Pischke:
    • Mostly harmless econometrics : advanced undergraduate to graduate students
    • Mastering Metrics: good for undergraduate students after taking econometrics course.
  • Ito: Data Bunseki no Chikara (in Japanese)

2 Program Evaluation

2.1 Framework

  • \(Y_{i}\): observed outcome for person \(i\)
  • \(D_{i}\): treatment status \[D_{i}=\begin{cases} 1 & treated\ (treatment\ group)\\ 0 & not\ treated\ (control\ group) \end{cases}\]
  • Define potential outcomes
    • \(Y_{1i}\): outcome for \(i\) when she is treated (treatment group)
    • \(Y_{0i}\): outcome for \(i\) when she is not treated (control group)
  • With this, we can write \[\begin{aligned} Y_{i} & =D_{i}Y_{1i}+(1-D_{i})Y_{0i}\\ & =\begin{cases} Y_{1i} & if\ D_{i}=1\\ Y_{0i} & if\ D_{i}=0 \end{cases}\end{aligned}\]

2.2 Key Points

  • Point 1: Fundamental problem of program evaluation
    • We can observe \((Y_{i},D_{i})\), but never observe \(Y_{0i}\) and \(Y_{1i}\) simultaneously.
    • Counterfactual outcome.
  • Point 2: Stable Unit Treatment Value Assumption (SUTVA)
    • Treatment effect for a person does not depend on the treatment status of other people.
    • Rules out externality / general equilibrium effects.
      • Ex: If everyone takes the job training, the equilibrium wage would change, which affects the individual outcome.

2.3 Parameters of Interest

  • Define the individual treatment effect \(Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}\)
    • Key: allowing for heterogenous effects across people
  • Individual treatment effect cannot be identified due to the fundamental problem.
  • Instead, we focus on the average effects
    • Average treatment effect: \(ATE=E[Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}]\)
    • Average treatment effect on treated: \(ATT=E[Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}|D_{i}=1]\)
    • Average treatment effect on untreated: \(ATT=E[Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}|D_{i}=0]\)
    • Average treatment effect conditional on covariates \(X_{i}\): \(ATE(x)=E[Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}|D_{i}=1,X_{i}=x]\)

2.4 Relation to Regression Analysis

  • Assume that
    1. linear (parametric) structure in \(Y_{0i}\), and
    2. constant (homogenous) treatment effect, \[\begin{aligned} Y_{0i} & =\beta_{0}+\epsilon_{i}\\ Y_{1i}-Y_{0i} & =\beta_{1}\end{aligned}\]
  • You will have \[Y_{i}=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}D_{i}+\epsilon_{i}\]
  • Program evaluation framework is nonparametric in nature.
    • Though, in practice, estimation of treatment effect relies on a parametric specification.

2.5 Selection Bias

  • Compare average outcomes between treatment and control group
  • Does this tell you average treatment effect? No in general! \[\begin{aligned} \underbrace{E[Y_{i}|D_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i}|D_{i}=0]}_{simple\ comparison}= & E[Y_{1i}|D_{i}=1]-E[Y_{0i}|D_{i}=0]\\ = & \underbrace{E[Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}|D_{i}=1]}_{ATT}\\ & +\underbrace{E[Y_{0i}|D_{i}=1]-E[Y_{0i}|D_{i}=0]}_{selection\ bias}\end{aligned}\]

  • The bias term \(E[Y_{0i}|D_{i}=1]-E[Y_{0i}|D_{i}=0]\)
    • not zero in general: Those who are taking the job training would do a good job even without job training
    • Cannot observe \(E[Y_{0i}|D_{i}=1]\): the outcome of people in treatment group when they are NOT treated (counterfactual).

2.6 Solutions

  • Randomized Control Trial (A/B test):
    • Assign treatment \(D_{i}\) randomly
  • Matching (regression):
    • Using observed characteristics of individuals to control for selection bias
  • Instrumental variable
    • Use the variable that affects treatment status but is not correlated to the outcome
  • Difference-in-differences
    • Use the panel data to control for individual heterogeneity by fixed effects.
  • Regression Discontinuity Design
    • Exploit the randomness around the thresholds.
  • Others: Bound approach, synthetic control method, regression kink design, etc..

3 RCT Framework

3.1 What is RCT ?

  • RCT: Randomized Controlled Trial
  • Measure the effect of “treatment” by
    1. randomly assigning treatment to a particular group (treatment group)
    2. measure outcomes of subjects in both treatment and “control” group.
    3. the difference of outcomes between these two groups is “treatment” effect.
  • Starts with clinical trial: measure the effects of medicine.

3.2 Examples

3.3 Framework and Identification

  • Key assumption: Treatment \(D_{i}\) is independent with potential outcomes \((Y_{0i},Y_{1i})\) \[D_{i}\perp(Y_{0i},Y_{1i})\]
  • Under this assumption, \[\begin{aligned} E[Y_{1i}|D_{i} & =1]=E[Y_{1i}|D_{i}=0]=E[Y_{1i}]\\ E[Y_{0i}|D_{i} & =1]=E[Y_{0i}|D_{i}=0]=E[Y_{0i}]\end{aligned}\]
  • The sample selection does not exist! Thus, \[\begin{aligned} \underbrace{E[Y_{i}|D_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i}|D_{i}=0]}_{simple\ comparison}= & \underbrace{E[Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}|D_{i}=1]}_{ATT}\end{aligned}\]

3.4 Estimation

  • Difference of the sample average is consistent estimator for the ATT \[\frac{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}Y_{i}\cdot\mathbf{1}\{D_{i}=1\}}{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\mathbf{1}\{D_{i}=1\}}-\frac{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}Y_{i}\cdot\mathbf{1}\{D_{i}=0\}}{\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\mathbf{1}\{D_{i}=0\}}\]
  • You can run a linear regression of \(Y\) on \(D\) along with other covariates \(X_i\) \[ Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 D_i + \beta' X_i + \epsilon_i\]

4 Health Insurance Experiment

4.1 Example: RAND Health Insurance Experiment (HIE)

  • Taken from Angrist and Pischke (2014, Sec 1.1)
  • 1974-1982, 3958 people, age 14-61
  • Randomly assigned to one of 14 insurance plans.
    • No insurance premium
    • Different provisions related to cost sharing
  • 4 categories
    • Free
    • Co-insurance: Pay 25-50% of costs
    • Deductible: Pay 95% of costs, up to $150 per person ($450 per family)
    • Catastrophic coverage: 95% of health costs. No upper limit. Approximate “no insurance”

4.2 First step: Balance Check


  • Differences in demographic characteristics & baseline health are statistically insignificant
  • Assignment of health insurance plans is indeed random!

4.3 Results of RAND HIE


  • HI increases health spending (Panel A)
  • But, HI has no statistically significant effect on health outcomes