1 Introduction

1.1 Introduction

  • Regression Discontinuity Design
    • Exploit the discontinuous change in treatment status to estimate the causal effect.
  • Example:
    • Threshold of test score for college admission
    • Eligibility of policy due to age.
    • Geographic boundary of two regions.
  • Pros: Strong internal validity
    • Assumption for identification is weak.
  • Cons: Very little external validity
    • What we estimate is the effect on people at the boundary.

1.2 Idea in Figure

1.3 Reference

2 Framework

2.1 Framework

  • \(Y_{i}\): observed outcome for person \(i\)
  • Define potential outcomes
    • \(Y_{1i}\): outcome for \(i\) when she is treated (treatment group)
    • \(Y_{0i}\): outcome for \(i\) when she is not treated (control group)
  • \(D_{i}\): treatment status is deterministically determined (sharp RD design) \[D_{i}=\mathbf{1}\{W_{i}\geq\bar{W}\}\]
    • \(W_{i}\): running variable (forcing variable).
    • Probabilistic assignment is allowed (fuzzy RD design)

2.2 Example: Incumbent Advantage

  • Consider the two-candidate elections
    • \(D_{i}\): dummy for incumbent in the election
    • \(Y_{i}\): whether the candidate win in the election
    • \(W_{i}:\) the vote share in the previous election.
  • The incumbent status is defined as \[D_{i}=\mathbf{1}\{W_{i}\geq0.5\}\]
  • Idea of RD:
    • Suppose that you won with 51%.
    • You are similar to the guy who lose at 49% (main assumption of RD).
    • If you focus on these people, \(D_{i}\) is as if it were randomly assigned.

2.3 Framework cont.d

  • Note that \(D_{i}=\mathbf{1}\{W_{i}\geq\bar{W}\}\) implies the unconfoundedness \[(Y_{1i},Y_{0i})\perp D_{i}|W_{i}\]
  • But the overlap assumption does not hold \[P(D_{i}=1|W_{i}=w)=\begin{cases} 1 & if\ w\geq\bar{W}\\ 0 & if\ w<\bar{W} \end{cases}\]
  • To compare people with and without treatment, we need to rely on some sort of extrapolation around the threshold.

2.4 Linear approach

  • Suppose for a moment that \[\begin{aligned} Y_{1i} & =\rho+Y_{0i}\\ E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w] & =\alpha_{0}+\beta_{0}w\end{aligned}\]
  • This leads to a regression \[Y_{i}=\alpha+\beta W_{i}+\rho D_{i}+\eta_{i}\]
    • \(\rho\) is the causal effect.
  • This approach relies on linear extrapolation. May not be good.
    • What if \(E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w]\) is nonlinear?


2.5 A more general approach

  • Allowing for nonlinear effect of the running variable \(W_{i}\) \[Y_{i}=f(W_{i})+\rho\mathbf{1}\{W_{i}\geq\bar{W}\}+\eta_{i}\]

  • A function \(f(\cdot)\) might be a \(p\)th order polynomial. \[f(W_{i})=\beta_{1}W_{i}+\beta_{2}W_{i}^{2}+\cdots+\beta_{p}W_{i}^{p}\]

    • nonparametric approach later.

2.6 Implementation in Regression

  • Consider \[\begin{aligned} E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w] & =f_{0}(W_{i}-\bar{W})\\ E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=w] & =\rho+f_{1}(W_{i}-\bar{W})\end{aligned}\]
    • \(\tilde{W}_{i}=W_{i}-\bar{W}\) is a normalization.
  • Then the regression equation is (See page 255 in Angrist and Pischke) \[\begin{aligned} Y_{i} & =\alpha+\beta_{01}\tilde{W_{i}}+\cdots+\beta_{0p}\tilde{W}_{i}^{p}\\ & +\rho D_{i}+\beta_{1}^{*}D_{i}\tilde{W}_{i}+\cdots+\beta_{p}^{*}D_{i}\tilde{W}_{i}^{p}+\eta_{i}\end{aligned}\]
    • \(\rho\) is the causal effect.
  • When running regression, need to focus on the sample around threshold.
    • How close the sample should be to the threshold can be taken care by statistical procedure.

3 Example

3.1 Mastering Metrics Sec 4.1: Effects of the minimum age drinking law





4 Formal Analysis

4.1 Formal Identification Analysis

  • Key: continuity assumptions: Both \(E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=w]\) and \(E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w]\) are continuous at the threshold \(w=\bar{W}\).
    • This is not directly testable assumption (because we cannot observe \(Y_{1i}\) below the threshold).
    • Will discuss several validating approaches.
  • To see how this works, notice that \[\begin{aligned} E[Y_{i}|W_{i}=w]= & E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w]\\ & +\mathbf{1}\{w\geq\bar{W}\}\left(E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=w]-E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w]\right)\end{aligned}\]
  • Taking the limit of \(w\) to \(\bar{W}\) from above and below \[\begin{aligned} \lim_{w\uparrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{i}|W_{i} & =w]=\lim_{w\uparrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w]=E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=\bar{W}]\\ \lim_{w\downarrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{i}|W_{i} & =w]=\lim_{w\downarrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=w]=E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=\bar{W}]\end{aligned}\]
    • Notice that we use continuity in the second equalities!

  • Remember that \[\begin{aligned} \lim_{w\uparrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{i}|W_{i} & =w]=\lim_{w\uparrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w]=E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=\bar{W}]\\ \lim_{w\downarrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{i}|W_{i} & =w]=\lim_{w\downarrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=w]=E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=\bar{W}]\end{aligned}\]
  • So, we have \[E[Y_{1i}-Y_{0i}|W_{i}=\bar{W}]=\lim_{w\downarrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{i}|W_{i}=w]-\lim_{w\uparrow\bar{W}}E[Y_{i}|W_{i}=w]\]
    • LHS: Average treatment effect at the threshold
    • RHS: We can observe from the data.
      • Conditional expectation near the threshold.

5 Validation of Assumptions

5.1 Validation of Assumptions

  • The key assumptions : Both \(E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=w]\) and \(E[Y_{0i}|W_{i}=w]\) are continuous at the threshold \(w=\bar{W}\).
  • This is not directly testable because we cannot observe \(Y_{1i}\) below the threshold.
  • There are two common approaches that support this assumption:
    1. Covariate test
    2. Density test (no bunching in the running variable).

5.2 Covariate Test

  • The underlying idea of RDD: Comparing outcomes right above and right below \(\bar{W}\) provides a comparison of treated and control agents who are similar due to the assumed continuity in conditional distributions
  • If this is a valid comparison, then we would expect that covariates \(X\) also change smoothly as we pass through the threshold.

  • Run the RDD on the covariate \(X\).
  • If we found the discontinuity, it suggests that the conditional expectation of \(Y\) on \(W\) may not be continuous either.
  • If \(X\) has a direct effect on \(Y\), the discontinuity in \(E[Y_{i}|W]\) at \(\bar{W}\) will confound the treatment effect.
  • Example:
    • \(Y\) hours worked,
    • \(D\): older-than-65 discounts,
    • \(W\): age, \(X\): social security benefit (non-work income)

5.3 Density Test, or No Bunching

  • Manipulation if agents know about the institutional details
    • If schools scoring lower than \(w = 50\) on standardized tests get labeled as dysfunctional, we might see many schools to be right above 50
  • In this case, we observe bunching around the threshold.
    • Agents are “manipulating” treatment assignment around the threshold.
    • Density of \(W_{i}\) is discontinuous at \(\bar{W}\)
  • We would expect that \(E[Y_{1i}|W_{i}=w]\) would be also discontinuous.
  • McCrary (2008) suggests a test of the null hypothesis that the density of \(W_{i}\) is continuous at \(\bar{W}\).

5.4 Bunching Estimation

  • Bunching itself is an interesting economic phenomenon. It can be used to analyze a different question.

5.5 Example: Ito and Sallee (2018, REStat)



6 Empirical Paper

6.1 Empirical Paper: Health Demand

  • “The Effect of Patient Cost Sharing on Utilization, Health, and Risk Protection” by Hitoshi Shigeoka 2014 AER’

6.2 Policy Issue: Medical Expenditure

  • Medical expenditures are rising.
    • due to an aging population and coverage expansion
    • acute fiscal challenge to governments!
  • Current expenditure on health (to GDP) in 2018 according to OECD Health Statistics 2019
    • U.S.A. (16.9%), Switzerland (12.2%), Germany (11.2%), France (11.2%), Sweden (11.0%), Japan (10.9%)...
  • One main strategy is higher patient cost sharing, that is, requiring patients to pay a larger share of the cost of care.
  • Question: how does patient cost sharing affect
    • utilization (demand elasticity)?
    • health?
    • risk protection (out-of-pocket expenditures)?

6.3 Background and Cross-sectional Data

  • All Japanese citizens are mandatorily covered by health insurance.
  • Use a sharp reduction in cost sharing for patients aged over 70 in Japan.
  • The sources are the Patient Survey and the Comprehensive Survey of Living Conditions (CSLC). 1984-2008.
  • Advantages
    • There are no confounding factors at age 70. We can isolate the effect of patient cost sharing.
    • Medical providers do not have incentive to differentiate prices by the patients’ insurance type.
    • We can separate inpatient and outpatient.

6.4 Cost Sharing and Out-of-Pocket Medical Expenditure

  • In sum, the proportion is 30% for <69 and 10% for 70\(\leq\).
  • Out-of-pocket medical expenditure for impatient admissions can reach 27% for a 69-year-old.
  • However, for 70, it would be reduced to 8.6%.
  • We need to take the stop-loss into account.



6.5 Identification Strategy

  • Standard RD designs.
  • Basic estimation equation for the CSLC is \[Y_{iat}=f(a)+\beta Post70_{iat}+X_{iat}^{\prime}\gamma+\varepsilon_{iat}.\]
    • \(Y_{iat}\): a measure of morbidity or out-of-pocket medical expenditure
    • \(f(a)\): a smooth function of age.
    • \(X_{iat}\): a set of individual covariates
    • \(Post70_{iat}\): \(=0\) if individual \(i\) is over 70.
  • Patient Survey/mortality data represents individuals who are present in the medical institutions/deceased.
  • As in Card, Dobkin, and Maestas (2004), basic estimation equation for the Patient Survey and mortality data is \[\log(Y_{at})=f(a)+\beta Post70_{at}+\mu_{at}.\]
  • We dealt with heaping, seasonality, and the catch-up effect.

6.6 Results: Outpatient Visits

  • 10.3% increase in overall visits. The implied elasticity is \(-0.18\).
  • Sharp drop in the duration from the last visit by one day.
  • The effect is heterogeneous across institutions, genders, and diagnoses.



6.7 Results: Inpatient Admissions

  • Left: 8.2% increase in overall admissions. The implied elasticity is \(-0.16\).
  • Right: Surge (increase by 12.0%) in admissions with surgery.
  • From robustness checks, the implied elasticity is around \(-0.2\).



6.8 Benefits: Health Outcomes

  • We cannot find significant discontinuity in mortality.
  • This result is expected because health is stock (Grossman 1972).
  • There is no discontinuity in morbidity (self-reported health).
  • The available health measures here are limited, so we would underestimate the benefit.


6.9 Benefits: Risk Reduction

  • Another benefit is a lower risk of unexpected out-of-pocket medical spending.
  • We use a nonparametric estimator for quantile treatment effects.
  • Patients at the right tail of the distribution in particular are substantially benefited.



6.10 Discussion

  • Price Elasticities
    • We cannot distinguish own- from cross-price effects.
    • However, for some diagnosis groups, cross-price effects should be nearly zero.
    • The overall effect of the price change for the groups is an approximately 10 percent increase in visits.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis
    • Imposing many assumptions, we speculate that the welfare gain of risk protection from lower patient cost sharing is comparable to the total social cost.
    • We cannot include welfare gains from health improvements.