class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Regression 3: Discussion on OLS Assumptions ### Instructor: Yuta Toyama ### Last updated: 2021-05-18 --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Introduction --- ## Roles of OLS Assumptions and How to defend them - Assumption 2: `\(\epsilon_i\)` has zero conditional mean `\(E[ \epsilon_i | X_{i1}, \ldots, X_{iK}] = 0\)` - This implies `\(Cov(X_{ik}, \epsilon_i) = 0\)` for all `\(k\)`. (or `\(E[\epsilon_i X_{ik}] = 0\)`) - **No correlation between error term and explanatory variables.** - Assumption 4: No perfect multicollinearity - We need to think whether these assumptions are valid given the research setting. - Question - What if these assumptions are vilated? - How to defend these assumptions? --- ## Contents - Endogeneity issue - Multicolinearity issue - Sensitivity analysis --- ## Takeaway for Causal Analysis - Suppose that you want to know the causal effect of `\(D\)` on `\(Y\)` in the following linear model $$ y_i = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 D_i + \beta' x_i $$ - **The variation of the variable of interest `\(D\)`** is important in the following senses. - 1: **Exogenous** variation after conditioning on `\(x_i\)` - i.e., uncorrelated with error term - **mean independence assumption** (no bias) - 2: **Enough** variation after conditioning on `\(x_i\)` - a key for **precise estimation** (smaller standard error) - related to multicolinearity --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Endogeneity --- ## Endogeneity problem - When `\(Cov(x_k, \epsilon)=0\)` does not hold, we have **endogeneity problem (内生性問題)** - We call such `\(x_k\)` an **endogenous variable (内生変数)**. - There are several cases in which we have endogeneity problem 1. Omitted variable bias (欠落変数バイアス) 2. Measurement error (観測誤差) 3. Simultaneity (同時性) 4. Sample selection (サンプルセレクション) --- ## Omitted Variable Bias (欠落変数バイアス) - Consider the wage regression equation (true model) `\begin{eqnarray} \log W_{i} &=& & \beta_{0}+\beta_{1}S_{i}+\beta_{2}A_{i}+u_{i} \\ E[u_{i}|S_{i},A_{i}] &=& & 0 \end{eqnarray}` where `\(W_{i}\)` is wage, `\(S_{i}\)` is the years of schooling, and `\(A_{i}\)` is the ability. - `\(\beta_1\)`: the effect of the schooling on the wage **holding other things fixed**. - Issue: We do not often observe the ability of a person directly. --- - Suppose that you omit `\(A_i\)` and run the following regression instead. `$$\log W_{i} = \alpha_{0}+\alpha_{1} S_{i} + v_i$$` - Notice that `\(v_i = \beta_2 A_i + u_i\)`, so that `\(S_i\)` and `\(v_i\)` is likely to be correlated. - You can show that `\(\hat\alpha_1\)` is not consistent for `\(\beta_1\)`, i.e., `$$\hat{\alpha}_{1}\overset{p}{\longrightarrow}\beta_{1}+\beta_{2}\frac{Cov(S_{i},A_{i})}{Var(S_{i})}$$` --- ## Omitted Variable Bias formula - Omitted variable bias depends on 1. The effect of the omitted variable ( `\(A_i\)` here) on the dependent variable: `\(\beta_2\)` 2. Correlation between the omitted variable and the explanatory variable. - Summary table - `\(x_1\)`: included, `\(x_2\)` omitted. `\(\beta_2\)` is the coefficient on `\(x_2\)`. || `\(Cov(x_1, x_2) > 0\)` | `\(Cov(x_1, x_2) < 0\)` | |:---------------------:|:----------------------:|:-------------------:| | `\(\beta_2 > 0\)` | Positive bias | Negative bias | | `\(\beta_2 < 0\)` | Negative bias | Positive bias | - Can discuss the direction of the bias --- ## Summary: Exogeneity of `\(X\)` - Mean independence is a key for unbiased estimation. - However, this is hard to argue, as we have to discuss about **unobserved** factors. - Moreover, there is **no formal test for exogeneity assumption**. - Question: Examine the correlation between the residual `\(\hat{\epsilon_i}\)` and explanatory variables `\(X_{ik}\)`. Would this work? - How to avoid this issue? - 1: Add control variables - 2: Natural experiment --- ## Adding Control Variables - Consider the model with an interest in `\(\alpha_1\)`. $$ y_i = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 D_i + \beta' x_i + \epsilon_i, \ E[\epsilon_i | D_i, x_i] = 0 $$ - Idea: Adding more variables into `\(x\)` means - controlling for the factors that are correlated with treatment variable `\(D_i\)`. - avoiding omitted variables - mean independence assumption of `\(D_i\)` and `\(\epsilon_i\)` more likely hold. - Should we add variables as much as possible? Not necesarily. - Issue 1: More controls lead to less precise estimation. See this later. - Issue 2: **Bad control problem** --- ## Bad Control Problem - Consider the model $$ wage_i = \alpha_0 + \alpha_1 college_i + \alpha_2 occupation_i + \epsilon_i, \ E[\epsilon_i | D_i, x_i] = 0 $$ - You are interested in `\(\alpha_i\)`, effects of going to a college on wage **after controlling for occupation**. - However, occupation is certainly affected by college choice. - The estimated `\(\alpha_1\)` cannot capture the effect of attending a college on wage through occupation choice. - Here, the variable `\(occupation_i\)` is called a **bad control**. You should not include this to estimate `\(\alpha_1\)`. --- ## A Guidance on Variable Choice | | Affect `\(y_i\)` | Not affect `\(y_i\)` | | ---------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | | Affect `\(X_i\)` or simultaneously determined with `\(X_i\)` | Must to avoid omitted variable bias. | Should not include, as it increases the variance. But the bias does not change. | | `\(X_i\)` affects the variable | No. Bad control problem | (same as above) | | Not correlated with `\(X_i\)` | Should include to decrease the variance. But no bias even without it. | (same as above) | --- ## Natural Experiment (自然実験) - Natural experiment refers to the situation where **the variable of interest is determined randomly as if it were in experiment**. - It is however not the actual experiment. - Some examples: - Weather - Policy assignment is often determined by lottery (e.g., millitary draft) - Birth-related events (twin, exact date, etc) - and many more!! - Economists put effort to find such situation to establish causal estimates. --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Multicollinearity issue --- ## Perfect Multicollinearity - Perfect multicolinearity: One of the explanatory variable is a linear combination of other variables. - In this case, you cannot estimate all the coefficients. - For example, $$ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2\cdot x_2 + \epsilon_i $$ and `\(x_2 = 2x_1\)`. - Cannot estimate both `\(\beta_1\)` and `\(\beta_2\)`. --- - To see this, the above model can be written as $$ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_1 + \beta_2\cdot2x_1 + \epsilon_i $$ - this is the same as $$ y_i = \beta_0 + (\beta_1 + 2 \beta_2 ) x_1 + \epsilon_i $$ - You can estimate the composite term `\(\beta_1 + 2 \beta_2\)` as a coefficient on `\(x_1\)`, but not `\(\beta_1\)` and `\(\beta_2\)` separately. --- ## Intuition - Intuitively speaking, the regression coefficients are estimated by capturing how the variation of the explanatory variable `\(x\)` affects the variation of the dependent variable `\(y\)` <br/><br/> - Since `\(x_1\)` and `\(x_2\)` are moving together completely, we cannot say how much the variation of `\(y\)` is due to `\(x_1\)` or `\(x_2\)`, so that `\(\beta_1\)` and `\(\beta_2\)`. --- ## Example: Dummy variable - Consider the dummy variables that indicate male and famale. `\begin{eqnarray} male_{i} & = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & if\ male\\ 0 & if\ female \end{array} \right.\\ female_{i} & = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1 & if\ female\\ 0 & if\ male \end{array} \right. \end{eqnarray}` - If you put both male and female dummies into the regression, $$ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 famale_i + \beta_2 male_i + \epsilon_i $$ - Since `\(male_i + famale_i = 1\)` for all `\(i\)`, we have perfect multicolinarity. --- - You should always omit the dummy variable of one of the groups. - For example, $$ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 famale_i + \epsilon_i $$ - In this case, `\(\beta_1\)` is interpreted as the effect of being famale **in comparison with male**. - The omitted group is the basis for the comparison. --- ## Multiple Dummy Variables - You should do the same thing when you deal with multiple groups such as `\begin{eqnarray} freshman_{i}&= \begin{cases} 1 & if\ freshman\\ 0 & otherwise \end{cases} \\ sophomore_{i}&= \begin{cases} 1 & if\ sophomore\\ 0 & otherwise \end{cases} \\ junior_{i}&= \begin{cases} 1 & if\ junior\\ 0 & otherwise \end{cases} \\ senior_{i}&= \begin{cases} 1 & if\ senior\\ 0 & otherwise \end{cases} \end{eqnarray}` and $$ y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 freshman_i + \beta_2 sophomore_i + \beta_3 junior_i + \epsilon_i $$ --- ## Imperfect Multicollinearity. - Imperfect Multicollinearity: Correlation between explanatory variables is high. - Although we can estimate the model by OLS, it affects the precision of the estimate, that is standard errors. - To see this, we consider the following simple model (with homoskedasticity) `$$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_{1i} + \beta_2 x_{2i} + \epsilon_i, V(\epsilon_i) = \sigma^2$$` --- ## Sampling variance of the OLS Estimator - You can show that the conditional variance (not asymptotic variance) is given by `$$V(\hat\beta_1 | X) = \frac{\sigma^{2}}{N\cdot\hat{V}(x_{1i})\cdot(1-R_{1}^{2})}$$` - `\(\hat V(x_{1i})\)` is the sample variance `$$\hat V(x_{1i}) =\frac{1}{N}\sum(x_{1i}-\bar{x_{1}})^{2}$$` - `\(R_{1}^{2}\)` is the R-squared in the following regression of `\(x_2\)` on `\(x_1\)`. `$$x_{1i} = \pi_0 + \pi_1 x_{2i} + u_i$$` --- ## Four factors that decrease the variance. 1. `\(N\)` is large 2. `\(\hat V(x_{1i})\)` is large - more variation in `\(x_{1i}\)`! 3. `\(R_{1}^{2}\)` is small. - `\(R_{1}^{2}\)` measures how well `\(x_{1i}\)` is explained by other variables in a linear way. - The extreme case is `\(R_{1}^{2}=1\)` (i.e., `\(x_{1i}\)` is the linear combination of other variables) 4. Smaller variance of the error term `\(\sigma^2\)`. - This reflects how much the variation of `\(y_i\)` is explained. - More control variables lead to lower variance of the error term. - But remember the above point 3!! --- ## Summary: Enough variation of `\(X\)`. - With more variation in `\(X\)`, can precisely estimate the coefficient. - The variation of the variable **after controlling for other factors** is also crucial - If you include many control variables to deal with the omitted variable bias, you may end up having no independent variation of `\(X\)`. --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Robustness Analysis --- ## How to defend your analysis? Robustness Analysis - Exogeneity assumption (mean independence assumption) is hard to argue. - In a good empirical analysis, do **robustness analysis (頑健性分析)** to see how robust your results are against concerns. - [Deryugina "Some Tips For Robustness Checks And Empirical Analysis In General"]( provides an overview. - Two major appraoches - **Sensitivity analysis (感度分析)** for control variables. - **Placebo test (プラシーボテスト)** -> See this in an empirical application. --- ## Sensitivity Analysis - Step 1: Consider a specification of the model with control variables that you think are reasonable and estimate it. (baseline specification) - Step 2: Add additional controls to the above and re-estimate it. - Step 3: See how the estimated coefficient of interest (typically treatment variable) changes. If it does not change that much, your result is robust (or endogeneity concern is small). --- ## Why is this a good way to discuss exogeneity? - The concern on exogeneity is the correlation between `\(D_i\)` and the error term. - If you add control variables and the estimated coefficient does not change, it **suggests that the effect of omitted variables are likely to be small.** - However, this procedure is not formal. It is rather a practical technique. - See [Altonji, Elder, and Taber (2005)]( and [Oster (2019)]( for a more formal discussion.