class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Instrumental Variable Estimation 1: Framework ### Instructor: Yuta Toyama ### Last updated: 2021-07-02 --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Introduction --- ## Introduction: Endogeneity Problem and its Solution - This chapter introduces **instrumental variable (IV, 操作変数)** method as a solution to endogeneity problem. - The lecture plan 1. More on endogeneity issues 2. Framework 3. Implementation in R --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Endogeneity --- ## More Examples of Endogeneity Problem - Talk more on endogeneity problems. 1. Omitted variable bias 2. Measurement error 3. Simultaneity --- ## Example 1: More on Omitted Variable Bias - Remember the wage regression equation (true model) `\begin{eqnarray} \log W_{i} &=& & \beta_{0}+\beta_{1}S_{i}+\beta_{2}A_{i}+u_{i} \\ E[u_{i}|S_{i},A_{i}] &=& & 0 \end{eqnarray}` where `\(W_{i}\)` is wage, `\(S_{i}\)` is the years of schooling, and `\(A_{i}\)` is the ability. - Suppose that you omit `\(A_i\)` and run the following regression instead. `\begin{eqnarray} \log W_{i} = alpha_{0}+\alpha_{1} S_{i} + v_i \end{eqnarray}` Notice that `\(v_i = \beta_2 A_i + u_i\)`, so that `\(S_i\)` and `\(v_i\)` is likely to be correlated. --- ## Does addition control variables solve OVB? - You might want to add more and more additional variables to capture the effect of ability. - Test scores, GPA, SAT scores, etc... - However, how many variables should we conditioning so that `\(S_i\)` is indeed exogenous? - Multivariate regression is valid under **selection on observables**. - If there exists **unobserved heterogeneity** that matters both in wage and years of schooling, multivariate regression cannot deal with OVB. --- ## Example 2: Measurement error - Reporting error, wrong understanding of the question, etc... - Consider the regression `$$y_{i}=\beta_{0}+\beta_{1}x_{i}^{*}+\epsilon_{i}$$` - Here, we only observe `\(x_{i}\)` with error: `$$x_{i}=x_{i}^{*}+e_{i}$$` - `\(e_{i}\)` is independent from `\(\epsilon_i\)` and `\(x_i^*\)` (called classical measurement error) - You can think `\(e_i\)` as a noise added to the data. --- - The regression equation is `\begin{eqnarray} y_{i} &=& \ \beta_{0}+\beta_{1}(x_{i}-e_{i})+\epsilon_{i} \\ &=& \ \beta_{0}+\beta_{1}x_{i}+(\epsilon_{i}-\beta_{1}e_{i}) \end{eqnarray}` - Then we have correlation between `\(x_{i}\)` and the error `\(\epsilon_{i}-\beta_{1}e_{i}\)`, violating the mean independence assumption. - Measurement error in explantory variables leads to smaller estimates, known as **attenuation bias**. --- ## Example 3: Simultaneity (同時性) or reverse causality - **Dependent and explanatory variable are determined simultaneously.** - Consider the demand and supply curve `\begin{eqnarray} q^{d} =\beta_{0}^{d}+\beta_{1}^{d}p+\beta_{2}^{d}x+u^{d} \\ q^{s} =\beta_{0}^{s}+\beta_{1}^{s}p+\beta_{2}^{s}z+u^{s} \end{eqnarray}` - The equilibrium price and quantity are determined by `\(q^{d}=q^{s}\)`. --- - In this case, `$$p=\frac{(\beta_{2}^{s}z-\beta_{2}^{d}z)+(\beta_{0}^{s}-\beta_{0}^{d})+(u^{s}-u^{d})}{\beta_{1}^{d}-\beta_{1}^{s}}$$` implying the correlation between the price and the error term. - Putting this differently, the data points we observed is the intersection of these supply and demand curves. --- - How can we distinguish demand and supply?  --- ## Causal Effect of Price on Quantity? - What is a causal effect of price on quantity? What is the sign (if it exists)? - For consumer: Higher prices leads to lower demand. - For (price-taking) firms: Higher prices leads to more supply. - "Causal effect of price on quantity" is a meaningless concept unless you specify either demand or supply. --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # IV Idea --- ## Idea of IV Regression - Let's start with a simple case. `$$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 x_i + \epsilon_i, Cov(x_i, \epsilon_i) \neq 0$$` - Define the variable `\(z_i\)` named **instrumental variable (IV)** that satisfies the following conditions: 1. **Independence (独立性)**: `\(Cov(z_i, \epsilon_i) = 0\)`. No correlation between IV and error. 2. **Relevance (関連性)**: `\(Cov(z_i, x_i) \neq 0\)`. Correlation between IV and endogenous variable `\(x_i\)`. - Idea: Use the variation of `\(x_i\)` **induced by instrument `\(z_i\)`** to estimate the direct (causal) effect of `\(x_i\)` on `\(y_i\)`, that is `\(\beta_1\)`!. --- ## More on Idea 1. Intuitively, the OLS estimator captures the correlation between `\(x\)` and `\(y\)`. 2. If there is no correlation between `\(x\)` and `\(\epsilon\)`, it captures the causal effect `\(\beta_1\)`. 3. If not, the OLS estimator captures both direct and indirect effect, the latter of which is bias. 4. Now, let's capture the variation of `\(x\)` due to instrument `\(z\)`, - Such a variation should exist under **relevance** assumption. - Such a variation should not be correlated with the error under **independence assumption** 5. By looking at the correlation between such variation and `\(y\)`, you can get the causal effect `\(\beta_1\)`. --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figs/fig_IV_idea.png" width="650"> ] ] --- ## Identification of Parameter with IV - Taking the covariance between `\(y_i\)` and `\(z_i\)` $$ Cov(y_i, z_i) = \beta_1 Cov(x_i, z_i) + Cov(\epsilon_i, z_i ) $$ - IV conditions implie that $$ \beta_1 = \frac{Cov(y_i, z_i)}{Cov(x_i, z_i)} $$ - Question: Can you see the roles of IV conditions? --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # IV General Framework --- ## Multiple endogenous variables and instruments - Consider the model `\begin{eqnarray} Y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_{1i} + \dots + \beta_K X_{Ki} + \beta_{K+1} W_{1i} + \dots + \beta_{K+R} W_{Ri} + u_i, \end{eqnarray}` - `\(Y_i\)` is the dependent variable - `\(X_{1i},\dots,X_{Ki}\)` are `\(K\)` endogenous (内生) regressors: `\(Cov(X_{ki}, u_i) \neq 0\)` for all `\(k\)`. - `\(W_{1i},\dots,W_{Ri}\)` are `\(R\)` exogenous (外生) regressors which are uncorrelated with `\(u_i\)`. `\(Cov(W_{ri}, u_i) = 0\)` for all `\(r\)`. - `\(u_i\)` is the error term - `\(Z_{1i},\dots,Z_{Mi}\)` are `\(M\)` instrumental variables - `\(\beta_0,\dots,\beta_{K+R}\)` are `\(1+K+R\)` unknown regression coefficients --- ## Two Stage Least Squares (2SLS, 二段階最小二乗法) - Step 1: **First-stage regression(s)** - For each of the endogenous variables ( `\(X_{1i},\dots,X_{ki}\)` ), run an OLS regression on all IVs ( `\(Z_{1i},\dots,Z_{mi}\)` ), all exogenous variables ( `\(W_{1i},\dots,W_{ri}\)` ) and an intercept. - Compute the fitted values ( `\(\widehat{X}_{1i},\dots,\widehat{X}_{ki}\)` ). - Step 2: **Second-stage regression** - Regress the dependent variable `\(Y_i\)` on **the predicted values** of all endogenous regressors ( `\(\widehat{X}_{1i},\dots,\widehat{X}_{ki}\)` ), all exogenous variables ( `\(W_{1i},\dots,W_{ri}\)`) and an intercept using OLS. - This gives `\(\widehat{\beta}_{0}^{TSLS},\dots,\widehat{\beta}_{k+r}^{TSLS}\)`, the 2SLS estimates of the model coefficients. --- ## Why 2SLS works - Consider a simple case with 1 endogenous variable and 1 IV. - In the first stage, we estimate `$$x_i = \pi_0 + \pi_1 z_i + v_i$$` by OLS and obtain the fitted value `\(\widehat{x}_i = \widehat{\pi}_0 + \widehat{\pi}_1 z_i\)`. - In the second stage, we estimate `$$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \widehat{x}_i + u_i$$` - Since `\(\widehat{x}_i\)` depends only on `\(z_i\)`, which is uncorrelated with `\(u_i\)`, the second stage can estimate `\(\beta_1\)` without bias. --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Conditions for IV --- ## Conditions for Valid IVs: Necessary condition - Depending on the number of IVs, we have three cases 1. Over-identification (過剰識別): `\(M > K\)` 2. Just identification (丁度識別): `\(M=K\)` 3. Under-identification (過小識別): `\(M < K\)` - The necessary condition is `\(M \geq K\)`. - We should have more IVs than endogenous variables. --- ## Sufficient condition - In a general framework, the sufficient conditions for valid instruments 1. **Independence**: `\(Cov( Z_{mi}, u_i) = 0\)` for all `\(m\)`. 2. **Relevance**: In the second stage regression, the variables `$$\left( \widehat{X}_{1i},\dots,\widehat{X}_{ki}, W_{1i},\dots,W_{ri}, 1 \right)$$` are **not perfectly multicollinear**. - What does the relevance condition mean? --- ## Relevance condition - In the simple example above, The first stage is `$$x_i = \pi_0 + \pi_1 z_i + v_i$$` and the second stage is `$$y_i = \beta_0 + \beta_1 \widehat{x}_i + u_i$$` - The second stage would have perfect multicollinarity if `\(\pi_1 = 0\)` (i.e., `\(\widehat{x}_i = \pi_0\)`). --- <br/><br/> - Back to the general case, the first stage for `\(X_k\)` can be written as `$$X_{ki} = \pi_0 + \pi_1 Z_{1i} + \cdots + \pi_M Z_{Mi} + \pi_{M+1} W_{1i} + \cdots + \pi_{M+R} W_{Ri}$$` and one of `\(\pi_1 , \cdots, \pi_M\)` should be non-zero. - Intuitively speaking, **the instruments should be correlated with endogenous variables after controlling for exogenous variables** --- ## Check Instrument Validity: Relevance - **Weak instruments (弱操作変数)** if those instruments explain little variation in the endogenous variables. - Weak instruments lead to 1. imprecise estimates (higher standard errors) 2. The asymptotic distribution would deviate from a normal distribution even if we have a large sample. --- ## A rule of thumb to check the relevance conditions. - Consider the case with one endogenous variable `\(X_{1i}\)`. - The first stage regression `$$X_k = \pi_0 + \pi_1 Z_{1i} + \cdots + \pi_M Z_{Mi} + \pi_{M+1} W_{1i} + \cdots + \pi_{M+R} W_{Ri}$$` - Conduct F test. `\begin{eqnarray} H_0 & : \pi_1 = \cdots = \pi_M = 0 \\ H_1 & : otherwise \end{eqnarray}` - If we can reject this, we can say no concern for weak instruments. - A rule of thumbs is that the F statistic should be larger than 10. (Stock, Wright, and Yogo 2012) --- ## Independence (Instrument exogeneity) - This is essentially non-testable assumption, as in mean independence assumption in OLS. - Justification of this assumption depends on a context, institutional features, etc...