class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Panel Data 3: Difference-in-differences ### Instructor: Yuta Toyama ### Last updated: 2021-07-12 --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Introduction --- ## Introduction - **Difference-in-differences (DID, 差の差分法)** exploits the panel structure to estimate the causal effect. - Two types of simple comparisons - Treatment and control group comparison: selection bias - Before v.s. after comparison: time trend - DID combines those two comparisons to draw causal conclusion. --- ## DID in Figure .middle[ .center[ <img src="figs/DID_fig.png" width="550"> ] ] --- ## Plan of the Lecture - Framework - Implementation in a regression framework - Discussion on Parallel Trend Assumption --- ## Reference - Angrist and Pischke "Mostly Harmless Econometrics" Chapter 5 - [Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan (2004, QJE)]( - Discuss issues of calculating standard errors in the DID method. - Ishise, Kitamura, Kudamatsu, Matsubayashi, and Murooka (2019) - Guidance on how to conduct policy evaluation with DID - [Slide]( - [Paper]( --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Framework --- ## Framework - Two periods: `\(t=1,2\)`. Treatment implemented at `\(t=2\)`. - `\(Y_{it}\)`: observed outcome for person `\(i\)` in period `\(t\)` - `\(G_{i}\)`: dummy for treatment group - `\(D_{it}\)`: treatment status - `\(D_{it}=1\)` if `\(t=2\)` and `\(G_{i}=1\)` - **Potential outcomes** - `\(Y_{it}(1)\)`: outcome for `\(i\)` when she is treated - `\(Y_{it}(0)\)`: outcome for `\(i\)` when she is not treated - Then `\begin{aligned} Y_{it} & =D_{it}Y_{it}(1)+(1-D_{it})Y_{it}(0) \end{aligned}` --- ## Identification - Goal: ATT at `\(t=2\)` `$$E[Y_{i2}(1)-Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=1]=E[Y_{i2}(1)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=1]$$` - What we observe | | Pre-period ( `\(t=1\)` ) | Post ( `\(t=2\)` ) | |----------------------- | ------------------------ |------------------------| |Treatment ( `\(G_{i}=1\)` ) | `\(E[Y_{i1}(0) \mid G_{i}=1]\)` | `\(E[Y_{i2}(1)\mid G_{i}=1]\)` | |Control ( `\(G_{i}=0\)` ) | `\(E[Y_{i1}(0) \mid G_{i}=0]\)` | `\(E[Y_{i2}(0)\mid G_{i}=0]\)`| - Under what assumptions can we the ATT? --- ## Simple Comparisons - Within period comparison - If `\(E[Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=1]=E[Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=0]\)`, ATT is identified by `$$ATT = E[Y_{i2}(1)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=0]$$` - Selection bias? - Before-after comparison - If `\(E[Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=1]=E[Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=1]\)`, ATT is identified by `$$ATT = E[Y_{i2}(1)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=1]$$` - Time trend? - More resonable assumption? --- ## Parallel Trend (並行トレンド) Assumption - Assumption: `$$E[Y_{i2}(0)-Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=0]=E[Y_{i2}(0)-Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=1]$$` - Interpretation: Change in the outcome *without treatment* is the same across two groups. - This puts an assumption on **counterfactual** trend in treatment group if it had not been treated. --- ## Difference-in-differences - Note that `\begin{aligned} \underbrace{E[Y_{i2}(1)-Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=1]}_{ATT}= & E[Y_{i2}(1)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=1]\\ = & E[Y_{i2}(1)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=1]\\ & -\underbrace{(E[Y_{i2}(0)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=1])}_{=E[Y_{i2}(0)-Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=0]\ (pararell\ trend)} \end{aligned}` - Thus, `\begin{aligned} ATT= & E[Y_{i2}(1)-Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i2}(0)-Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=0] \end{aligned}` - ATT is identified by **the difference of two differences** --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Estimation --- ## Estimation Approach 1: Plug-in Estimator - Remember that the ATT is identified by `\begin{aligned} ATT= & E[Y_{i2}(1)-Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=1]-E[Y_{i2}(0)-Y_{i1}(0)|G_{i}=0] \end{aligned}` - Replace them with the sample average. `\begin{aligned} \hat{ATT=} & \left\{ \bar{y}(t=2,G=1)-\bar{y}(t=1,G=1)\right\} \\ & -\left\{ \bar{y}(t=2,G=0)-\bar{y}(t=1,G=0)\right\} \end{aligned}` where `\(\bar{y}(t,G)\)` is the sample average for group `\(G\)` in period `\(t\)` . --- ## Example: Card and Kruger (1994, AER) - Question: Effects of the minimum wage increase on employment. - On April 1, 1992, New Jersey's minimum wage rose from 4.25 to 5.05 USD. - Compare fast-food restaurants in New Jersey (treament group) and eastern Pennsylvania (control group) before and after the rise. --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figs/CardKruger1994Table3.png" width="600"> ] ] --- ## Estimation Approach 2: Linear Regression - Run the following regression `$$y_{it}=\alpha_{0}+\alpha_{1}G_{i}+\alpha_{2}T_{t}+\alpha_{3}D_{it}+\beta X_{it}+\epsilon_{it}$$` - `\(G_{i}\)`: dummy for treatment group - `\(T_{t}:\)`dummy for treatment period - `\(D_{it}=G_{i}\times T_{t}.\)` `\(\alpha_{3}\)` captures the ATT. - Regression framework can incorporate covariates `\(X_{it}\)`, which is important to control for observed confounding factors. --- ## Two-way Fixed Effects Estimator - With panel data `$$y_{it}=\alpha D_{it}+\beta X_{it}+\epsilon_{i}+\epsilon_{t}+\epsilon_{it}$$` - `\(\epsilon_{i}\)` is individual FE - `\(\epsilon_{t}\)` is time FE. - Use the cluster-robust standard errors for inference! (Bertrand, Duflo, and Mullainathan 2004, QJE) --- ## Event Study (イベントスタディ) Specification - With multiple periods, we can estimate **the treatment effect in the post-treatment periods** - The specification with `\(k\)`-periods lags and leads `$$y_{it}= \epsilon_{i}+\epsilon_{t}+ \sum_{\tau = -k}^k \gamma^\tau D_{it}^\tau + \beta X_{it} + \epsilon_{it}$$` - `\(D_{it}^\tau\)` takes 1 if unit `\(i\)` is in treatment group and period `\(t\)` is `\(\tau\)` period far from the treatment timing. - Normalize `\(\gamma^{-1} = 0\)`. - Why include lags (i.e., `\(\tau = -k, \cdots, -1\)`)? See this later. --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Discussion on Parallel Trend Assumption --- ## Discussions on Parallel Trend - Parallel trend assumption can be violated in various situations. - If treatment status depends on **time-varying factors**, treatment and control group may have differential time trend in their outcome. - Note: DID can only deal with **time-invariant factors**. - Example: Self-selection into treatment based on time-varying factor - People participate in worker training program because they expected a future decrease in earnings before they enter the program. --- ## Diagnostics for Parallel Trends: Pre-treatment trends - Check if the trends are parallel in the pre-treatment periods (プレトレンド) - Requires data on multiple pre-treatment periods. - Should do this if you have multiple pre-treatment periods. - Note: this is only **diagnostics**. NOT a direct test of the assumption! - Remember: Parallel trend assumption is not testable. - You **should never say** "the key assumption for DID is satisfied if the pre-treatment trends are parallel. --- ## Other Diagnostics: Placebo Effects in Pre-Treatment - Idea: If both groups are indeed similar, there should be **no treatment effect in the pre-treatment period.** (placebo outcome) - We run the following event-study specification `$$y_{it}= \epsilon_{i}+\epsilon_{t}+ \sum_{\tau = -k}^k \gamma^\tau D_{it}^\tau + \beta X_{it} + \epsilon_{it}$$` - The estimates of `\(\gamma^{\tau}\)` should be close to zero up to the beginning of treatment --- ## Example: Autor (2003) (from Angrist and Pischke MHE) - Figure 5.2.4: Estimated impact of state courtsí adoption of an implied-contract exception to the employmentat- will doctrine on use of temporary workers (from Autor 2003). The dependent variable is the log of state temporary help employment in 1979 - 1995. Estimates are from a model that allows for e§ects before, during, and after adoption. .middle[ .center[ <img src="figs/autor_2003.png" width="600"> ] ] --- ## Example: Kubota, Onishi, and Toyama (2021) - To estimate the effect of receiving the SCP (特別定額給付金) on consumption, we run `$$y_{itw} = \alpha_i + \alpha_{iw} + \alpha_{tpw} + \sum_{k=-5}^5 \gamma^k D_{itw}^k + u_{itw}$$` - Household `\(i\)` in week `\(w\)` in year `\(t (=2019, 2020)\)`. - `\(D_{itw}^k = \mathbb{1} \{ T_i - w = k\}\)`, `\(T_i\)` is the timing of receiving the SCP (i.e., treatment) - `\(y_{itw}\)`: consumption measure (total withdrawal, ATM withdrawal) --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figs/fig_event_fullsample.png" width = 800> ] ] --- # Application --- ## Application: JAL-JAS Merger (Doi and Ohashi 2019) - Question: What is the effects of JAL-JAS merger on market outcome in airline industry. - They use both DID and structural estimation (構造推定) approach to answer the question. - Here, I only discuss their DID analysis. --- ## Background of JAL-JASmerger - Around 2000, JAL and JAS tried to create a holding company (持株会社) to merge. - Market share: JAL 25%, JAS 24%, ANA 48% - The JFTC (公正取引委員会) issued an interim report in March 2002 and claimed that it was likely to be **a substantial restraint of competition in the domestic air passenger market**. - The merging party proposed remedial measures. - Set the pre-merger price level as the price ceiling for the post-merger period. - Release 9 slots at the most congested airport, and be assigned to new entrants. - The JFTC approved the merger with the remedies and it was consummated on Oct 2002. --- ## Theoretical Effects of a Merger - **Anticompetitive effect (反競争効果)**: The market becomes more concentrated, less competition, higher price, lower welfare. - **Efficiency effect (効率性効果)**: The merged party may become more efficient through scale effect, synergy, knowledge transfer, etc. - These two have different implications on economic welfare (Williamson's tradeoff) - The JFTC (公取委) reviews the merge case and decides whether approve it. --- ## Descriptive Statistics .middle[ .center[ <img src="figs/DoiOhashi_Desc.png" > ] ] --- ## DID Analysis - Outcome: Price, flight frequency, # of domestic passengers - 274 routes in 2000–2005 - Regression equation $$ `\begin{equation} \ln\left(y_{jmt}\right)=\gamma_{1}^{A}\cdot JJ_{jmt}+\gamma_{2}^{A}\cdot post_{t}+\gamma_{3}^{A}\cdot JJ_{jmt}\cdot post_{t}+\mathbf{x}_{jmt}^{\prime}\cdot\lambda^{A}+\kappa_{jmt}^{A} \end{equation}` $$ - `\(j\)`: firm, `\(m\)`: market (route), `\(t\)`: time (monthly) - `\(post_{t}=1\)` if `\(t\)` is after October 2002. - `\(JJ_{jmt}=1\)` if a firm j in market m is either JAL or JAS (JAL group). - `\(\mathbf{x}_{jmt}^{\prime}\)`: covariates. - Control group: Non-merged domestic airlines (ANA and others) - Either in the same market as JAL–JAL or in a market without JAL-JAS. --- - Allow heterogeneous effects of a merger $$ `\begin{aligned} \ln\left(y_{jmt}\right)= & \gamma_{1}^{B}\cdot JJ_{jmt}+\gamma_{2}^{B}\cdot post_{t}+\gamma_{3}^{B}\cdot JJ_{jmt}\cdot post_{t}\\ & +MtM_{jmt}\cdot\left(\gamma_{4}^{B}\cdot JJ_{jmt}+\gamma_{5}^{B}\cdot post_{t}+\gamma_{6}^{B}\cdot JJ_{jmt}\cdot post_{t}\right)\\ & +MtO_{jmt}\cdot\left(\gamma_{7}^{B}\cdot JJ_{jmt}+\gamma_{8}^{B}\cdot post_{t}+\gamma_{9}^{B}\cdot JJ_{jmt}\cdot post_{t}\right)\\ & +x_{jmt}^{\prime}\cdot\lambda^{B}+\kappa_{jmt}^{B} \end{aligned}` $$ - `\(MtM_{jmt}=1\)` if the route became a monopoly after the JJ merger - `\(MtO_{jmt}=1\)` if it became oligopoly. --- ## Results .middle[ .center[ <img src="figs/doiohadhi_DID.png" > ] ] --- ## Robustness Check - Pretrend: Regress the outcome on route-FE, time FE, and time FE interacted with the dummy for control routes. - Placebo test: Use the period b.w. April 2000 to July 2002. Consider placebo merger in July 2001 and see its effects using DID. --- ## Limitations of DID in this context - Is the choice of control group appropriate? - How to interpret the results? - Further analysis using structural estimation approach.