class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Regression Discontinuity 2: Implementation in R ### Instructor: Yuta Toyama ### Last updated: 2021-05-18 --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Close election design --- ## Question and Estimation strategy - Lee, D.S., Moretti, E., and M. Butler, 2004, Do Voters Affect or Elect Policies? Evidence from the U.S. House, Quarterly Journal of Economics 119, 807-859. - Do voters affect policy itself or do they just select politician? - The roll-call voting record `\(RC_t\)` of the representative in the district following the election t can be written as `$$RC_t = (1-D_t)y_t + D_t x_t,$$` - `\(D_t\)`: indicator variable for whether the Democrat won election t - `\(x_t \; (y_t)\)`: the policy implemented by the Democrat (the Repulican) at t --- - Under some conditions, it can be expressed as `\begin{eqnarray} RC_t &=& constant + \pi_0 P_t^* + \pi_1 D_t +\epsilon_t \quad (1) \\ RC_{t+1} &=& constant +\pi_0 P_{t+1}^* + \pi_1 D_{t+1} +\epsilon_{t+1} \quad (2) \end{eqnarray}` - `\(P_{t}^*\)`: voters' underlying popularity (the electoral strength) of the Democrat. It is defined as the probability that party D will win if parties D and R are expected to choose their blis points, not moderating points. --- - **What we try to know** is whether `\(\pi_0 = 0\)` or `\(\pi_1 = 0\)`, or neither, meaning what affect representative's roll-call voting, in other words, politician's decision. - If `\(\pi_1 = 0\)`, the roll-call voting of the representative in the district does not vary regarless of who wins (called **Complete Convergence**). That is both parties choose the exactly same policy. The policy position is determined only by the voter's underlying popularity. - If `\(\pi_0 = 0\)`, the roll-call voting of the representative in the district does not affected by voters' underlying popularity (called **Complete Divergence**). This can be interpretted that voters can not affect policy, but merely elect politicians’ fixed policies. - If else, both parties select different policies, but voters can affect policy (called **Partial Convergence**). --- - The problem is we cannot estimate equations (1) and (2), because we cannot observe `\(P_t^*\)`. - This brings **two issues** to figure out in order to identify `\(\pi_0\)` and `\(\pi_1\)`. 1. Simple comparison of `\(RC_t\)` between `\(D_t=1\)` and `\(D_t=0\)` without controlling on `\(P_t^*\)` leads endogeneity bias, since `\(P_t^*\)` tends to be higher among `\(D_t=1\)`. </br> `\(\Rightarrow\)` We need to somehow control `\(P_t^*\)` `\(\Rightarrow\)` **RDD** - By focusing on close elections (when voteshares of both parties are very tight), we can compare the cases between when `\(D_t=1\)` and `\(D_t=0\)`, fixing `\(P_t^*\)` constant. `\(\Rightarrow\)` Being able to identify `\(\pi_1\)`. 2. Because `\(P_t^*\)` is directly unobservable, we have to somehow find variation of `\(P_t^*\)` to identify `\(\pi_0\)`. </br> `\(\Rightarrow\)` **Incumbency advantage** - The random assignment of who wins in the first election generates random assignment in which candidate has greater electoral strength for the next election.</br> `\(\Rightarrow\)` This requires **two period analysis.** --- ### Identification - The conditional expectation of equation (2) is: `\begin{eqnarray} \lim_{v \downarrow 0.5} E[RC_{t+1}|V_t = v] &= constant +\pi_0 E[P_{t+1}^*|D_t = 1, V_t =0.5] \\ &+ \pi_1 E[D_{t+1}|D_t = 1 , V_t =0.5] \\ &= constant +\pi_0 P_{t+1}^{*D} + \pi_1 P^D_{t+1} \end{eqnarray}` `\begin{eqnarray} \lim_{v \uparrow 0.5} E[RC_{t+1}|V_t = v] &= constant +\pi_0 E[P_{t+1}^*|D_t = 0, V_t =0.5] \\ &+ \pi_1 E[D_{t+1}|D_t = 0 , V_t =0.5] \\ &= constant +\pi_0 P_{t+1}^{*R} + \pi_1 P^R_{t+1} \end{eqnarray}` - `\(V_t\)` is voteshare of the Democrat in election t, and threshold is 0.5. - `\(P_{t+1}^{*D} \equiv E[P_{t+1}^*|D_t = 1, V_t =0.5],\)` `\(P_{t+1}^{*R} \equiv E[P_{t+1}^*|D_t = 0, V_t = 0.5]\)` - `\(P^D_{t+1}\)` ( `\(P^R_{t+1}\)`) is equilibrium probability that Democrat wins in election t+1 when Democrat (Republican) won in election t. --- ## Estimation - When one could randomize `\(D_t\)` by restricting data close to the threshold, `\begin{eqnarray} \underbrace{E[RC_{t+1}|D_t = 1] - E[RC_{t+1}|D_t = 0]}_{\text{Observable}} &=& \pi_0( P_{t+1}^{*D} - P_{t+1}^{*R}) + \pi_1 (P^D_{t+1} - P^R_{t+1}) \\ &\equiv& \underbrace{\gamma}_{\text{Total effect of initial win on future roll call votes}} \quad (3) \\ \underbrace{ E[RC_{t}|D_t = 1] - E[RC_{t}|D_t = 0]}_{\text{Observable}} &=& \pi_1 \quad (4)\\ \underbrace{ E[D_{t+1}|D_t = 1] - E[D_{t+1}|D_t = 0]}_{\text{Observable}} &=& P^D_{t+1} - P^R_{t+1} \quad (5)\\ \end{eqnarray}` - Therefore, `\(\pi_0( P_{t+1}^{*D} - P_{t+1}^{*R})\)` can be estimated by `\(\gamma - \pi_1 (P_{t+1}^D - P_{t+1}^R)\)` --- ## Data - There are two main data sets in this project. - The first is a measure of how liberal an official voted, broght from **ADA score** for 1946–1995. ADA varies from 0 to 100 for each representative. Higher scores correspond to a more “liberal” voting record. - The running variable in this study is the vote share. That is the share of all votes that went to a Democrat across Congressional districts. - U. S. House elections are held every two years. --- - **Panel data** (1946–1995 `\(\times\)` all districs around the U.S.) - Main variables - `score`: ADA score in Congressional session t of the representative elected at k `\((RC_{t})\)` - `democrat`: indicator whether the Democrat wins in election t `\((D_{t})\)` - `lagdemocrat`: indicator whether the Democrat wins in election t-1 `\((D_{t-1})\)` - `demvoteshare`: voteshare at district k in election t `\((V_t)\)` - `lagdemvoteshare`: voteshare at district k in the previous election, t-1 `\((V_{t-1})\)` - For example, one specific row of the dataset has the voteshares and the results of the November 1992 election (period t) and the November 1990 election (period t-1) at district k, and the ADA score of 1993–1994 Congressional session (period t). --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Graphical Analysis --- ## Graphical Analysis - Results of the analysis will be seen later. Here, we learn how to implement graphical analysis first. - **RD analyses hinge on their graphical analyses.** - always start with visual inspection to check which model (e.g. linear or nonlinear) is plausible. --- ### Outcomes by the running variables - First, we try to create this figure from the article. .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/fig2b.png" width="500"> ] ] - The dependent variable is probability of Democrat victory in election t+1 and the independent is voteshare in election t. - Then, we will see what happens when we change bandwidth and functional form. --- ```r library(tidyverse) library(haven) library(estimatr) library(texreg) library(latex2exp) # Download data read_data <- function(df) { full_path <- paste("", df, sep = "") df <- read_dta(full_path) return(df) } lmb_data <- read_data("lmb-data.dta") ``` --- - First, you have more than 10,000 data points, so reduce them for scatter plot. ```r #aggregating the data # calculate mean value for every 0.01 voteshare demmeans <- split(lmb_data$democrat, cut(lmb_data$lagdemvoteshare, 100)) %>% lapply(mean) %>% unlist() #createing new data frame for plotting agg_lmb_data <- data.frame(democrat = demmeans, lagdemvoteshare = seq(0.01,1, by = 0.01)) ``` --- ## Quadratic fitting in all data ```r #grouping above or below threshold lmb_data <- lmb_data %>% mutate(gg_group = if_else(lagdemvoteshare > 0.5, 1,0)) #plotting gg_srd = ggplot(data=lmb_data, aes(lagdemvoteshare, democrat)) + geom_point(aes(x = lagdemvoteshare, y = democrat), data = agg_lmb_data) + xlim(0,1) + ylim(-0.1,1.1) + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5) + xlab("Democrat Vote Share, time t") + ylab("Probability of Democrat Win, time t+1") + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,0.2)) + ggtitle(TeX("Effect of Initial Win on Winning Next Election: $\\P^D_{t+1} - P^R_{t+1}$")) gg_srd + stat_smooth(aes(lagdemvoteshare, democrat, group = gg_group), method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x^2)) ``` --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/q_all.png" width="800"> ] ] --- ## Quadratic fitting; limited to +/- 0.05 ```r gg_srd + stat_smooth(data=lmb_data %>% filter(lagdemvoteshare>.45 & lagdemvoteshare<.55), aes(lagdemvoteshare, democrat, group = gg_group), method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x^2)) ``` .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/q_l.png" width="500"> ] ] - Notice that confidence interval widens. But, lines fit plots better. --- ## Linear different slops ```r gg_srd + stat_smooth(aes(lagdemvoteshare, democrat, group = gg_group), method = "lm") ``` .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/l_d.png" width="600"> ] ] --- ## Linear common slop ```r gg_srd + stat_smooth(data=lmb_data, aes(lagdemvoteshare, democrat), method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x > 0.5)) ``` - Alternatively, this can avoid showing line across the threshold. ```r lm_tmp <- lm(democrat ~ lagdemvoteshare + I(lagdemvoteshare>0.5), data = lmb_data) lm_fun <- function(x) predict(lm_tmp, data.frame(lagdemvoteshare = x)) #output is predicted democrat gg_srd + stat_function( data = data.frame(x = c(0, 1),y = c(0, 1)),aes(x = x,y=y), fun = lm_fun,xlim = c(0,0.499), col="blue",size = 1.5) + stat_function( data = data.frame(x = c(0, 1),y = c(0, 1)),aes(x = x,y=y), fun = lm_fun,xlim = c(0.501,1), col="blue", size = 1.5 ) ``` --- .pull-left[ .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/l_c1.png" width="500"> ] ] ] .pull-right[ .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/l_c2.png" width="500"> ] ] ] --- ## Loess fitting ```r gg_srd + stat_smooth(aes(lagdemvoteshare, democrat, group = gg_group), method = "loess") ``` .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/loess.png" width="500"> ] ] - Compared to the quadratic case, variance gets bigger but the prediction fits the points better. --- ## Kernel-weighted local polynomial regressions ```r library(stats) smooth_dem0 <- lmb_data %>% filter(lagdemvoteshare < 0.5) %>% dplyr::select(democrat, lagdemvoteshare) %>% na.omit() smooth_dem0 <- as_tibble(ksmooth(smooth_dem0$lagdemvoteshare, smooth_dem0$democrat, kernel = "box", bandwidth = 0.1)) smooth_dem1 <- lmb_data %>% filter(lagdemvoteshare >= 0.5) %>% dplyr::select(democrat, lagdemvoteshare) %>% na.omit() smooth_dem1 <- as_tibble(ksmooth(smooth_dem1$lagdemvoteshare, smooth_dem1$democrat, kernel = "box", bandwidth = 0.1)) gg_srd + geom_smooth(aes(x, y), data = smooth_dem0) + geom_smooth(aes(x, y), data = smooth_dem1) ``` --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/kernel.png" width="600"> ] ] --- ## Model and Bandwidth selection - bias-variance tradeoff - How should we pick the “right” model and bandwidth? - There’s always a **trade-off between bias and variance** when choosing bandwidth and polynomial length. - Bias: distance between your prediction and true value - Variance: width of your prediction - The shorter the window and the more flexible (e.g. higher-order polynomials) the model, the lower the bias, but because you have less data, the variance in your estimate increases. - Always, it's important to show robustness. --- - Model selection - Higher-order polynomials can lead to overfitting (Gelman and Imbens 2019). They recommend using local linear regressions with linear and quadratic forms only. - Local linear regression with a kernel smoother is a popular choice - Bandwidth selection: - Optimal bandwidth selection: Imbens and Kalyanaraman (2011), Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik (2014) **implimentation will be at the last slide** - Cross validation: Imbens and Lemieux (2008) --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Quantitative analysis --- ## Quantitative analysis - Our next goal is to replicate the quantitaive results of Lee, Moretti, and Butler (2004) in the table below. | | `\(\gamma\)` | `\(\pi_1\)` | `\(P_{t+1}^D - P_{t+1}^R\)` | `\(\pi_1(P_{t+1}^D - P_{t+1}^R)\)` | `\(\pi_0(P_{t+1}^{*D} - P_{t+1}^{*R})\)` | |----------------------|---------------|--------------|-------------|--------------|-------------| | Variable | `\(ADA_{t+1}\)` | `\(ADA_{t}\)` | `\(DEM_{t+1}\)` | | | | Estimated gap | 21.2 (1.9) | 47.6 (1.3)| 0.48 (0.02)| | | | | | | | 22.84 (2.2)| -1.64 (2.0) | - The analysis restrics only observations where the Democrat voteshare is between 48 percent and 52 percent, so that the number of observations is 915. - From the second column, complete convergence is rejected. - The last column of the statistical insignificance shows that voters primarily elect policies rather than affect policies. - **Complete divergence** is supported by this analysis. --- ```r # Restrict data containg the Democrat vote share between 48 percent and 52 percent # `lagdemvoteshare` is the Dem. voteshare of the t-1 period lmb_subset <- lmb_data %>% filter(lagdemvoteshare>.48 & lagdemvoteshare<.52) # E[ADA_{t+1}|D_t] = \gamma lm_1 <- lm_robust(score ~ lagdemocrat, data = lmb_subset, se_type = "HC1") # E[ADA_{t}|D_t] = \pi_1 lm_2 <- lm_robust(score ~ democrat, data = lmb_subset, se_type = "HC1") # E[D_{t+1}|D_t] = P_{t+1}^D - P_{t+1}^R lm_3 <- lm_robust(democrat ~ lagdemocrat, data = lmb_subset, se_type = "HC1") screenreg(l = list(lm_1, lm_2,lm_3), digits = 2, # caption = 'title', custom.model.names = c("ADA_t+1", "ADA_t", "DEM_t+1"), = F, include.rsquared = FALSE, include.adjrs = FALSE, include.nobs = T, include.pvalues = FALSE, include.df = FALSE, include.rmse = FALSE, = list("lagdemocrat"="lagdemocrat","democrat"="democrat"), # select coefficients to report stars = numeric(0)) ``` --- ``` ## ## ====================================== ## ADA_t+1 ADA_t DEM_t+1 ## -------------------------------------- ## lagdemocrat 21.28 0.48 ## (1.95) (0.03) ## democrat 47.71 ## (1.36) ## -------------------------------------- ## Num. obs. 915 915 915 ## ====================================== ``` - The results are slightly different. But ignore that for now. - From now on, we will see how the results depend on **bandwidth** and **fanctional form**. --- ## Same specification in all the data ```r #using all data (note data used is lmb_data, not lmb_subset) lm_1 <- lm_robust(score ~ lagdemocrat, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_2 <- lm_robust(score ~ democrat, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_3 <- lm_robust(democrat ~ lagdemocrat, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") screenreg(l = list(lm_1, lm_2,lm_3), digits = 2, # caption = 'title', custom.model.names = c("ADA_t+1", "ADA_t", "DEM_t+1"), = F, include.rsquared = FALSE, include.adjrs = FALSE, include.nobs = T, include.pvalues = FALSE, include.df = FALSE, include.rmse = FALSE, = list("lagdemocrat"="lagdemocrat","democrat"="democrat"), # select coefficients to report stars = numeric(0)) ``` --- ``` ## ## ============================================ ## ADA_t+1 ADA_t DEM_t+1 ## -------------------------------------------- ## lagdemocrat 31.51 0.82 ## (0.48) (0.01) ## democrat 40.76 ## (0.42) ## -------------------------------------------- ## Num. obs. 13588 13588 13588 ## ============================================ ``` - Here we see that simply running the regression yields different estimates when we include data far from the cutoff itself. --- ### Controls for the running variable & Recentering of the running variable - We will simply subtract 0.5 from the running variable. ```r # Recentering lmb_data <- lmb_data %>% mutate(demvoteshare_c = demvoteshare - 0.5) lm_1 <- lm_robust(score ~ lagdemocrat + demvoteshare_c, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_2 <- lm_robust(score ~ democrat + demvoteshare_c, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_3 <- lm_robust(democrat ~ lagdemocrat + demvoteshare_c, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") screenreg(l = list(lm_1, lm_2,lm_3), digits = 2, # caption = 'title', custom.model.names = c("ADA_t+1", "ADA_t", "DEM_t+1"), = F, include.rsquared = FALSE, include.adjrs = FALSE, include.nobs = T, include.pvalues = FALSE, include.df = FALSE, include.rmse = FALSE, = list("lagdemocrat"="lagdemocrat","democrat"="democrat"), # select coefficients to report stars = numeric(0)) ``` --- ``` ## ## ============================================ ## ADA_t+1 ADA_t DEM_t+1 ## -------------------------------------------- ## lagdemocrat 33.45 0.55 ## (0.85) (0.01) ## democrat 58.50 ## (0.66) ## -------------------------------------------- ## Num. obs. 13577 13577 13577 ## ============================================ ``` --- ## Different slopes on either side of the discontinuity - How to impliment a regression line to be on either side, which means necessarily that we have two lines left and right of the discontinuity? `\(\Rightarrow\)` **Interaction** ```r lm_1 <- lm_robust(score ~ lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_c, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_2 <- lm_robust(score ~ democrat*demvoteshare_c, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_3 <- lm_robust(democrat ~ lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_c, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") screenreg(l = list(lm_1, lm_2,lm_3), digits = 2, # caption = 'title', custom.model.names = c("ADA_t+1", "ADA_t", "DEM_t+1"), = F, include.rsquared = FALSE, include.adjrs = FALSE, include.nobs = T, include.pvalues = FALSE, include.df = FALSE, include.rmse = FALSE, = list("lagdemocrat"="lagdemocrat","democrat"="democrat"), # select coefficients to report stars = numeric(0)) ``` --- ``` ## ## ============================================ ## ADA_t+1 ADA_t DEM_t+1 ## -------------------------------------------- ## lagdemocrat 30.51 0.53 ## (0.82) (0.01) ## democrat 55.43 ## (0.64) ## -------------------------------------------- ## Num. obs. 13577 13577 13577 ## ============================================ ``` --- ## Different quadratic regressions in all data ```r lmb_data <- lmb_data %>% mutate(demvoteshare_sq = demvoteshare_c^2) lm_1 <- lm_robust(score ~ lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_c + lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_sq, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_2 <- lm_robust(score ~ democrat*demvoteshare_c + democrat*demvoteshare_sq, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") lm_3 <- lm_robust(democrat ~ lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_c + lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_sq, data = lmb_data, se_type = "HC1") screenreg(l = list(lm_1, lm_2,lm_3), digits = 2, # caption = 'title', custom.model.names = c("ADA_t+1", "ADA_t", "DEM_t+1"), = F, include.rsquared = FALSE, include.adjrs = FALSE, include.nobs = T, include.pvalues = FALSE, include.df = FALSE, include.rmse = FALSE, = list("lagdemocrat"="lagdemocrat","democrat"="democrat"), # select coefficients to report stars = numeric(0)) ``` --- ``` ## ## ============================================ ## ADA_t+1 ADA_t DEM_t+1 ## -------------------------------------------- ## lagdemocrat 13.03 0.32 ## (1.27) (0.02) ## democrat 44.40 ## (0.91) ## -------------------------------------------- ## Num. obs. 13577 13577 13577 ## ============================================ ``` - The larger standard error due to the longer polynomial term. --- ## Different quadratic regression; limited to +/- 0.05 ```r lmb_subset <- lmb_data %>% filter(demvoteshare > .45 & demvoteshare < .55) %>% mutate(demvoteshare_sq = demvoteshare_c^2) lm_1 <- lm_robust(score ~ lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_c + lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_sq, data = lmb_subset, se_type = "HC1") lm_2 <- lm_robust(score ~ democrat*demvoteshare_c + democrat*demvoteshare_sq, data = lmb_subset, se_type = "HC1") lm_3 <- lm_robust(democrat ~ lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_c + lagdemocrat*demvoteshare_sq, data = lmb_subset, se_type = "HC1") screenreg(l = list(lm_1, lm_2,lm_3), digits = 2, # caption = 'title', custom.model.names = c("ADA_t+1", "ADA_t", "DEM_t+1"), = F, include.rsquared = FALSE, include.adjrs = FALSE, include.nobs = T, include.pvalues = FALSE, include.df = FALSE, include.rmse = FALSE, = list("lagdemocrat"="lagdemocrat","democrat"="democrat"), # select coefficients to report stars = numeric(0)) ``` --- ``` ## ## ========================================= ## ADA_t+1 ADA_t DEM_t+1 ## ----------------------------------------- ## lagdemocrat 7.35 0.17 ## (1.59) (0.02) ## democrat 45.19 ## (2.68) ## ----------------------------------------- ## Num. obs. 2387 2387 2387 ## ========================================= ``` --- ## Optimal bandwidth by `rdrobust` - The method of optimal bandwidth selection (Calonico, Cattaneo, and Titiunik 2014) can be implemented with the user-created `rdrobust` command. - These methods ultimately choose optimal bandwidths that may differ left and right of the cutoff based on some bias-variance trade-off. ```r # install.packages("rdrobust") library(rdrobust) rdr <- rdrobust(y = lmb_data$score, x = lmb_data$demvoteshare, c = 0.5) summary(rdr) ``` --- ``` ## [1] "Mass points detected in the running variable." ``` ``` ## Call: rdrobust ## ## Number of Obs. 13577 ## BW type mserd ## Kernel Triangular ## VCE method NN ## ## Number of Obs. 5480 8097 ## Eff. Number of Obs. 2112 1893 ## Order est. (p) 1 1 ## Order bias (q) 2 2 ## BW est. (h) 0.086 0.086 ## BW bias (b) 0.141 0.141 ## rho (h/b) 0.609 0.609 ## Unique Obs. 2770 3351 ## ## ============================================================================= ## Method Coef. Std. Err. z P>|z| [ 95% C.I. ] ## ============================================================================= ## Conventional 46.491 1.241 37.477 0.000 [44.060 , 48.923] ## Robust - - 31.425 0.000 [43.293 , 49.052] ## ============================================================================= ``` --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Covariate test --- ## Covariates by the running variables - We use income (`realincome`) as covariates. - We limit window of voteshare from 0.25 to 0.75. ```r #aggregating the data lmb_subset = lmb_data %>% dplyr::select(realincome,demvoteshare) %>% filter(demvoteshare>.25 & demvoteshare<.75) %>% na.omit() #calculate mean value for every 0.01 voteshare demmeans <- split(lmb_subset$realincome, cut(lmb_subset$demvoteshare, 50)) %>% lapply(mean) %>% unlist() #createing new data frame for plotting agg_lmb_data <- data.frame(income = demmeans, demvoteshare = seq(0.26, 0.75, by = 0.01)) ``` --- ## Covariate test for income ```r #grouping above or below threshold lmb_subset <- lmb_subset %>% mutate(gg_group = if_else(demvoteshare > 0.5, 1,0)) #plotting ggplot(data=lmb_subset, aes(demvoteshare, realincome)) + geom_point(aes(x = demvoteshare, y = income), data = agg_lmb_data) + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5) + stat_smooth( aes(demvoteshare, realincome, group = gg_group), method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x^2)) + ggtitle("voteshare and income") ``` --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/c_test_income.png" width="600"> ] ] --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/c_test.png" width="600"> ] ] - The authors also did covariate tests with other variables such as percentage with high-school degree (`pcthighschl`), percentage black (`pctblack`), percentage eligible to vote (`votingpop/totpop`). --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/placebo.png" width="600"> ] ] - t-1 period's outcome is also often used as a placebo. --- ### Coding of placebo ```r #aggregating the data # calculate mean value for every 0.01 voteshare demmeans <- split(lmb_data$lagdemvoteshare, cut(lmb_data$demvoteshare, 100)) %>% lapply(mean) %>% unlist() #createing new data frame for plotting agg_lmb_data <- data.frame(lagdemvoteshare=demmeans, demvoteshare = seq(0.01,1, by = 0.01)) #grouping above or below threshold lmb_data <- lmb_data %>% mutate(gg_group = if_else(demvoteshare > 0.5, 1,0)) #plotting ggplot(data=lmb_data, aes(demvoteshare, lagdemvoteshare)) + geom_point(aes(x = demvoteshare, y = lagdemvoteshare), data = agg_lmb_data) + xlim(0,1) + ylim(-0.1,1.1) + geom_vline(xintercept = 0.5) + xlab("Democrat Vote Share, time t") + ylab("Democrat Vote Share, time t-1") + scale_y_continuous(breaks=seq(0,1,0.2)) + ggtitle(TeX("Democratic Party Vote Share in Election t-1, by Democratic Party Vote Share in Election t$")) + stat_smooth(data=lmb_data,aes(x=demvoteshare, y=lagdemvoteshare, group = gg_group), method = "lm", formula = y ~ x + I(x^2)) ``` --- .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/c_test_code.png" width="700"> ] ] --- class: title-slide-section, center, middle name: logistics # Density test --- ## Density of the running variables - McCrary density test - We will implement this test using local polynomial density estimation (Cattaneo, Jansson, and Ma 2019). ```r # install.packages("rddensity") # install.packages("rdd") library(rddensity) library(rdd) DCdensity(lmb_data$demvoteshare, cutpoint = 0.5) density <- rddensity(lmb_data$demvoteshare, c = 0.5) rdplotdensity(density, lmb_data$demvoteshare) ``` --- .pull-left[ .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/d_test1.png" width="500"> ] ] ] .pull-right[ .middle[ .center[ <img src="figure_RD2/d_test2.png" width="500"> ] ] ] - No signs that there was manipulation in the running variable at the cutoff.