
Working Paper

  1. “Demand Estimation with Flexible Income Effect: An Application to Pass-through and Merger Analysis”
    (with Shuhei Kaneko)
    July 2024
    Revise and Resubmit at Journal of Industrial Economics


  1. “Dynamic Incentives and Permit Market Equilibrium in Cap-and-Trade Regulation”
    May 2023
    forthcoming at American Economic Journal: Microeconomics
    [Final Draft] [Young Economist’s Essay Award at EARIE2018]

  2. “Voter Turnout and Preference Aggregation”,
    (with Kei Kawai and Yasutora Watanabe)
    November 2021
    American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, Volume 13, No. 4, pp.548–86
    [Final Draft]

  3. “Consumption responses to COVID-19 payments: Evidence from a natural experiment and bank account data”,
    (with So Kubota and Koichiro Onishi),
    August 2021
    Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 188, Pages 1–17

  4. “The Effects of Domestic Mergers on Exports: A Case Study of the 1998 Korean Automobile Industry”,
    (with Hiroshi Ohashi)
    July 2017
    Journal of International Economics, Volume 107, pp. 147–164
    [Cabral’s Intro to IO]

Selected Work-in-Progress

  1. “Designing Nonlinear Electricity Pricing with Misperception: Evidence from Free Electricity Policy”
    (with Ngawang Dendup)
    December 2023

  2. “Energy-augmenting Productivity and Energy Prices: Evidence from Production Microdata,”
    (with Arlan Brucal and Tatsuya Abe)